What to do if You Get into an Accident
If possible, move the vehicle and passengers to a safe location and turn your car hazards on.
Call the police.
Gather Information: Obtain contact information of the other driver and license plate of involved vehicle(s) if any. Do not get out of your vehicle unless the area is clear, and you can do so safely.
If you hit a deer do not approach the deer. A startled injured deer can be very dangerous.
If possible, obtain photos and videos of the accident scene and document any damage to the vehicles involved.
Do not discuss the details of the accident with anyone but the investigating police officer.
Report all auto accidents to us regardless of if you have collision coverage or not. Others may make a claim against you for property damage or bodily injury at the time of loss or in the future. It’s best to secure all facts at the time of the accident by us for your protection.
To report your claim or request emergency road service, call: (877-324-6764) this is a 24-hour claims number.
Here is a brochure for you to print out and keep in your car to help you remember what to do if you are in an accident, so you do not forget any of the details.